Quick Patch 1.02

Hello, Agents!

Another set of quick fixes based on a proofreading pass I did this week and a few other catches from the community! Most things are extremely minor. 

Full list of changes below, minus a couple of places where I just fixed the capitalization on a word or deleted an extra space or something. (Even those are mentioned most of the time!)

Thanks so much,



  • pg. 5 Now says "This section covers the basic knowledge required"
  • pg. 25 - Sheep nudged a few pixels. Third paragraph in Components now says "Our research in the Vault"
  • pg 29 - Chart text spacing widened; small punctuation and spacing fixes
  • pg. 31 - Spacing and capitalization fixes
  • pg. 33 - Arrowhead was misaligned
  • pg. 34-35 - Minor clarity changes to QA text: "the Agency provides you with a set of Quality Assurances, or QAs, in a combination decided when selecting your Competency." and "All QAs are recharged fully and automatically to their current maximum between missions."
  • pg. 37 - Fixed font weight under Stability
  • pg. 46 - Fixed some alignment issues and lowered line weights on charts.
  • pg. 56 - Fixed alignment issues with triangles
  • pg. 57 - Added "r" to "your" Primary Reference Sheet. Fixed split sentence that now says add your Initial Requisition to your Requisitions & Work/Life Benefits sheet.
  • pg. 58 - Spacing adjustments
  • pg. 68 - Now says "Imagine a sympathetic mole"
  • pg. 72 - Now says "they are found also, of course, in dreams."
  • pg. 75 - Fixed icon alignment issue
  • pg. 81 - Clarified that dependent with "demand" your time later. "hurt them" now says "allow them to be hurt."
  • pg. 85 - Added a colon after "private life"
  • pg. 86 - Added "a" before "political firebrand"
  • pg. 92 - Now says "reputation for" instead of "reputation of" 
  • pg. 96 - Now says "their briefings" instead of "any briefing"
  • pg. 97 - Removed extra "on a" after "four-box"
  • pg. 98 - Competency intro text rewritten.
  • pg. 99 - Removed "and activity" from Sanctioned Behaviors description. Added missing "I" in "Requisitions." PR Questions replaced with new ones.
  • pg. 101 - PR Questions 1 & 2 rewritten. (Same Qualities.)
  • pg. 102 - Second person snuck into this description too early. Fixed!
  • pg. 105 - "Pouring" espresso now says "pulling" espresso
  • pg. 106 - A few small language improvements in the CEO description.
  • pg. 118 - "in any level" changed to "to any level"
  • pg. 122 - "You may follow along" now says "Please follow along" 
  • pg. 123 - Mission no longer capitalized
  • pg. 124 - Time capitalized
  • pg. 125 - Now says "GRATUITOUS TO ASK WHEN YOU KNOW THE ANSWER." Extra period after "Yeah!" in Reality scene removed.
  • pg. 128 - Adjusted spacing for legibility on Requisition costs.
  • pg. 129 - Convenient Paperclip now says "into any data port" and "stored in the paperclip"
  • pg. 130 - Car service: first sentence split into two sentences for clarity. Track Jacket now says "on the front right breast"
  • pg. 133 - Cerebral language adjusted for clarity ("tragedy" instead of "harm" to de-emphasize literal mechanical Harm). Early adopter text now says "they have already let you borrow", just a clarity change.
  • pg. 151 - Removed extra space before consider
  • pg. 152 - Capitalization fixes
  • pg. 158 - Overwhelm text adjusted. now says: "This effect cannot be stopped, altered, or interrupted by any effect unless specified."
  • pg. 167 - "7a" was doubled, now says "7a" and "7b"
  • pg. 168 - 3 in 13 is red now
  • pg. 169 - Capitalized Reality
  • pg. 173 - "Triangle" made red
  • pg. 174-5 - Challenge and Tough Choice now capitalized to match Mystery
  • pg. 176 - Fixed error in the Express pop-up. ; "Another Field Team" now says "A careless field team"
  • pg. 179 - "Triangle" made red
  • pg. 202 - tiny clarity adjustments on A4pg. 204 - capitalization fixes on a11
  • pg. 204 - A9 "te" is now "the"
  • pg. 205 B2 now says "appears shortly afterwards/prior to change something" B4 now specifies that tapped clocks ignore the success effect of Big Hand.
  • pg. 206 - minor clarity fix on B7
  • pg. 207 - C1 The third "on every third 3" effect should be "The target will teach you how to do the thing you are now doing."
  • pg. 208 - capitalization and punctuation fixes on c4
  • pg. 209 - C5 "Different" was missing an f, now has it
  • pg. 210 - C8 improved language: When using Clock Face to defend against something that would harm or hurt you or an ally, roll Persistence.
  • pg. 211 - D2 list line and bullets added
  • pg. 212 - tiny language fixes to ripple description
  • pg. 214 - D6 the fix in the last patch didn't actually stick ?? deputy text changed again
  • pg. 215 - D8 clarified that all masks break on a failure
  • pg. 217 - F2 "close" changed to "similar"
  • pg. 218 - F5 capitalization and punctuation fixes
  • pg. 219 - F10 "likely" is now "unlikely." Added a missing period
  • pg. 221 - G3 now says "The roll will fail regardless of any other circumstances", not adjustment
  • pg. 222 - G7  triscendence edit: On Triscendence, in addition, you may use one or more of their pieces as the base to create an entirely new being. You decide the details of the rest of the pieces for this new being.
  • pg. 224 - clarity adjustments on H3
  • pg. 230 - I8 "anywhere you may have" is now "Anywhere you have". Also now says "If they follow somebody who follows you."
  • pg. 233 - clarification for The End: Endbringer creates 14 Chaos and deals no Harm or damage when used on The End.
  • pg. 237 - L5 tapped clocks ignore the success effect. Capitalization fixes. L6 failure state no longer fixable with persistence rolls.
  • Pg. 239 - L10 Now says "sabotage track" every time.
  • pg. 238 - L8 small clarity and punctuation adjustments
  • pg. 241 -  M3 extra "the" removed
  • pg. 243 - M8 now says "place, person, or object." M9 "Rectangle" is now "shape"
  • pg. 246 - O1 Now says "learning from them" rather than "for them"
  • pg. 247 - O3 small clarity adjustments
  • pg. 253 - P12 third to last line on the list now says "Also speaks a language you don't" 
  • pg. 258 - Now references "Unstoppable" correctly.
  • pg. 262 - R12 first line now says "If something or someone kills you." Triscendence text clarified.
  • pg. 264 - S5 for each additional 3 error fixed to say: "you may adjust the result of one die up or down by 1."
  • Pg. 266 - nudged blob to not cover a few letters 
  • pg. 265 - S8 "follows your orders" is now "follows your rhyming orders"
  • pg. 266 - S11 "harmed or killed" now says "hurt or killed".
  • pg. 268 - S16 "one minute passes" is now "one hour passes"
  • pg. 269 - T2 "or another similar detail" now says "Some other similar detail."
  • pg. 280 - W7 "Agency" was blue
  • pg. 278 -  Y3: table dots now aligned
  • pg. 281 - W8 Playback now says "rewind" and "rewound" rather than "reverse" and "reversed"
  • Pg. 282 - W9 clarification: failure now says "Your body regrows after an hour, and you suffer from Burnout on all rolls while in this state."
  • pg. 287 - Y5 clarification: description now says "Open a container large enough to fit someone nearby inside." and success now says: "you create an alternate version of the target."


Triangle Agency Digital - Spreads 1.02.pdf 49 MB
56 days ago
Triangle Agency Digital - Singles 1.02.pdf 50 MB
56 days ago

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It seems I've lost the ability to download these new updates? I got the original pdfs, but since then I havnt been able to download any of the new versions

If you received your download from the links sent to Kickstarter backers, you might not have connected it to your account--you still can, through that email, and you should also be able to download these updates from the original itch.io email as well!

Are these going to be updated for the shop.hauntedtable.games files as well? thanks

They already are! 

Dude! SWEET!